Articles on my.metro, web content authoring and modification, and more.
Guidelines for the headshots and biographies that appear on faculty profiles on
Complete the Instructional Change Request (ICR) to make class schedule changes, additions or deletions.
Includes employee instructions for M365 Outlook and Outlook desktop client.
Instructions for faculty: How to submit Early Alert reporting
View information about my.metro, a central location for university faculty and staff to access internal information — including forms, databases, applications, articles, links to third-party tools and much more.
Step-by-step instructions on how to edit your faculty profile on
Information about My Advisees Dashboard, an academic advisors tool available to faculty or staff that have advisees (per ISRS), accessed in My.Metro.
My Advisees Dashboard Use-Case instructions.
Information about Student Notes accessed from My Advisees Dashboard or Student Lookup Utility, accessed in My.Metro.
Instructions for faculty: How to submit non-attendance reporting
Information about Student Lookup Utility, an academic advisors and related staff tool available to members of the Academic Advising group, accessed in My.Metro.
Instructions for faculty and staff wanting to update academic/professional credentials on the university online directory, as well as how the 'courses' section is updated and displayed.
Instructions for content review for webpage content owners and SMEs