my.metro: Student Lookup Utility

Article Type: General Information

Student Lookup Utility

For those that need to view ISRS data and/or RNT student notes on students/advisees that are not assigned as their advisee in ISRS. the Student Lookup Utility provides that capability.  Users may easily search by student (name, TechID, or StarID) or by advisor (name or TechID).  The results display ISRS data using the same functionality as the My Advisees dashboard, and generally provides the same features which include:

  • Filter* and Sort
  • Export to .csv /Excel*
  • Create and address a draft email message in Outlook
  • Copy for paste into a separate document
  • View courses and grades for a specific student
  • View student notes from RNT and/or add notes via Web RNT

*When searching by student, the Student Lookup Utility results/dashboard has more limited features (i.e. since it returns data for only one student, there is no need to filter or export).

Members of the Academic Advising group on My.Metro. may access the Student Lookup Utility.

  1. Go to (My.Metro)
  2. From the Employee Dashboard, in the blue bar near the top of the page, find My groups.
  3. Open the My groups drop down menu and select Academic Advising.
  4. Scroll to the Tools menu on the left-hand side and click on Student Lookup Utility

How to use the Student Lookup Utility:

  1. Decide if you are looking up a specific student, or an advisor's advisee list.
  2. Enter text into either the Student or Advisor search bar and wait a moment for all matching results to display. 
  3. Select the desired result, then the View Student(s) button.
  4. Data is displayed in the same format as the My Advisees Dashboard and for the most part, contains the same functionality.  
    • For more information on lookup results, including field descriptions, major abbreviations, and functionality the dashboard provides (filter, search, create email draft, export, view/enter RNT notes, etc.) see my.metro:  My Advisees Dashboard


Though similar to the data that is used for Student Email Utility, there are more fields available on this tool.

Dashboard information updates at various times throughout the day, based on it's source, but the underlying ISRS table updates once per day.


Article ID: 143416
Tue 8/9/22 10:12 AM
Mon 8/21/23 3:13 PM

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