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Services or Offerings?
Request an upcoming event to be posted to the Events calendar on the university website.

Reserve an event space on the Saint Paul Campus to host a non-Metropolitan State University affiliated event.

Ability to request a custom set-up within an event space.

Departments and internal Metropolitan State University organizations can request to reserve space for an event.

Reserve equipment for events in the Great Hall, Founders Hall Auditorium, Founders Hall Reception Area or Ecolab.

Request to reserve a space for an event hosted jointly by an internal department/organization and an external party.

Request a photographer photograph an event, department head shots, etc.

Request a news or media release on campus-related news-worthy events be developed and distributed.

Request a post on Metro State’s primary social media platforms (Ex: university events, announcements, news, and program promotion).

Request creation of guest login(s) for a seminar, training or event for non Metro State presenters or attendees who need credentials to use campus technology.

Request a meeting space reservation on the Saint Paul, Midway, Minneapolis and Brooklyn Park campuses.
If your meeting will require a setup you will need to fill out an Internal Event Space Reservation Request.

Request an announcement for placement on the Metropolitan State University D2L main home page.

Request an in-person demonstration or training on the technology in any of our rooms.

Minnesota State's video conferencing solution is available at Metropolitan State University.