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Services or Offerings?
Request membership changes to static, custom distribution groups.

Departments that would like to purchase technology equipment are responsible for contacting IET Services for assistance.

We can work with you to support the use of educational technology and sound pedagogical principles to design in person, online and hybrid courses.

Request creation of an Email distribution group.

Create a blank course site in D2L Brightspace for development, training or organizations.

Allows content to be copied from one semester to another or from one course-shell to another.

Request Academic Technology Services (ATS) staff to upload quiz questions with Respondus, then post within a D2L Brightspace class.

Request a meeting with an IER staff person to discuss data needs

Request data for grant applications, grant reporting or other grant related needs.

Departments are eligible to request cellular devices for work purposes.

Request a jack be activated in order to connect your computer to the internet via Ethernet cable.

Request IET Services to move and setup computers, printers, peripherals, phone, and other technology equipment to another location.

Request a new shared drive folder, access to an existing shared drive folder, or removal of access to an existing shared drive folder.

Request a list of students with contact information.

IET Services will retrieve asset and university owned equipment upon request.