Search14 Results

Services or Offerings?
This service is only available to faculty. Ability to request an account to use the Turnitin® internet-based plagiarism-prevention service tool.

If after reviewing the Accounts Payable Knowledge Based Article and you still have questions or concerns use this service to Request Help.

A shared mailbox allows a group of people to share a single Metropolitan State University email account.

Request Slate CRM assistance for: account/profile creation, locked and password resets, communication campaign forms and configurations, and training.

Report technology related information security incidents for our Information Security team to review.

Ability to request access and assistance with existing procedures within RightNow for Academic Success Workshop, new student orientation, mailings, training and more.

Request trash or recycling removal from a waste or recycling bin located on one of the Metro State campuses.

Approved branded promotional items are available for purchase through a third party vendor.

Request design services for things like custom promotional items, invitations, posters, flyers, etc.

Request Academic Technology Services (ATS) staff to upload quiz questions with Respondus, then post within a D2L Brightspace class.

Request name badges, business cards, letterhead, and envelopes.

Request a post on Metro State’s primary social media platforms (Ex: university events, announcements, news, and program promotion).

Request computer lab and classroom software installation for academic use. Please Note: Annual academic software request submission deadlines: Summer and Fall terms - Due March 15th; Spring term - Due October 15th.

Request Qualtrics access for employees, students and student workers.