Turnitin® Account Request


  • Turnitin® is an internet-based plagiarism-prevention service. Once set up by Instructors, students can submit papers to the website, which is checked against billions of webpages, works previously submitted to Turnitin, and a repository of journals, and other publications. This tool helps instructors engage students in the writing process by providing feedback that can both assess and help improve students' work. 
  • No download, registration, or login is needed if used with the integration inside D2L Brightspace Assignment folders.
  • Faculty can request an account that is specific to Turnitin® OR use the integration inside D2L Brightspace without needing to request an account.
  • Faculty may contact the Academic Technology Support (ATS) to create an account at Turnitin.com that will allow them to manually upload and check a single assignment/paper outside of the D2L Brightspace environment. Note that an instructor will need to request a machine-readable copy of the assignment from their student to do so; a paper that is simply scanned will not be readable by Turnitin®.

Additional Resources

D2L Brightspace:

Library Resources:

Metropolitan State University’s Academic Integrity policy and procedure


Request Service

Related Articles (3)

FACULTY: Create an Assignment submission folder in D2L Brightspace utilizing the Turnitin integration. This may help reduce plagiarism and increase academic writing skills of students. This article addresses the Turnitin integration setup necessary for faculty to use Turnitin in their D2L Brightspace course.
FACULTY: Create an Assignment folder inside D2L Brightspace for student submission of assignments.
ALL: Read the description and features of Turnitin and access a tutorial.


Service ID: 34519
Mon 3/25/19 11:27 AM
Wed 11/29/23 7:56 AM