You should have an Assignment Submission folder created in D2L. If you need help with that, please see D2L Brightspace: Creating Assignments.
Originality Check®
The Turnitin® integration is straight forward if you can find it.
In the edit mode of an Assignment, under the Evaluation & Feedback accordion, a link exists to Manage Turnitin®. Upon clicking/selection the link to Manage Turnitin®, a pop up will appear. Place a check box in Enable Originality Check® for this folder to turn it on.
It is an option as to whether to allow students to see their similarity score. It depends on the context, but in most cases, it is recommended to be checked as students will benefit from being able to see their similarity score.
Default is automatic. Upon student submissions the originality report will be requested. The other option will require faculty to click a button next to a submission for a manual originality report request. Below shows the icon for manual submission (a green arrow point to an inbox).

It is a recommendation to leave the default alone, submit them all.
More Options
For the faculty first time set up, click on "More Options in Turnitin®," then click on Optional Settings" within the pop-up window. These options are personal so take time to read the descriptions that come with the different settings (descriptions are found by clicking on the question mark that follows the options). Read them and understand what the implications are for the different options.
Submission settings
- Store in the Standard Paper Repository
- Yes, if what your students will submit is the final assignment and only one submission will be accepted by you in your courses
- No, if you will be allowing your students to resubmit the assignment (or drafts) in this or any other Assignment Submission folder.
- Allow submission of any file type. (If this is unchecked students have a limited list of file types found at
- Attach a rubric (this is not a D2L rubric so it will only exist in Turnitin®). While this is available, Academic Technology Services does not recommend utilizing Turnitin's® rubric, use D2L's rubrics.
Similarity Report
Three different report generation options:
- Generate reports immediately (students cannot resubmit)
- Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date): After 3 resubmissions reports generate after 24 hours Recommended.
- Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date)
Another check box is given to you for allowing students to view similarity reports. It is strongly recommended to allow students the ability to see their similarity report.
Three options to exclude:
- Bibliographic materials
- Quoted materials
- Small sources
Within the reports themselves, faculty can go in and exclude these options.
Additional Settings
Check the box that will set your newly set options as default for future Turnitin® integrations.
Using it
When you look at a folder that has Turnitin® on, you will see student submissions with similarity scores and colors associate to those scores. Click on the similarity score to be taken to the report. For more on the similarity report, see Turnitin's resources.
Additional Resources
D2L Brightspace:
Library Resouces:
Metro State University’s Academic Integrity policy and procedure