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Services or Offerings?
Ability to submit Space Request, provide project details, attach any drawings and/or other supporting documentation.

Service eligibility: requests must be submitted on behalf of a member of President's Executive Cabinet who is in support of the Organizational Department change being requested.

We can work with you to support the use of educational technology and sound pedagogical principles to design in person, online and hybrid courses.

Request and collaborate with Institutional Effectiveness and Technology (IET) to research and evaluate new potential technology solutions, contracts and grant proposals which include the use of technology. This includes hardware, software, web services, and any cloud hosted solutions to support teaching and learning, productivity or innovation.

Allows content to be copied from one semester to another or from one course-shell to another.

Request Qualtrics access for employees, students and student workers.

If after reviewing the Workday Knowledge Base Articles and you still need help with Workday use this service to Get Help.

This service is only available to faculty. Ability to request an account to use the Turnitin® internet-based plagiarism-prevention service tool.

If after reviewing the Accounts Payable & Workday Knowledge Based Articles and you still have questions or concerns use this service to Get Help/Ask Accounts Payable.

Request new software applications to be purchased or upgrades to existing applications. All new software purchases or renewals of existing software, university wide, require contracts and must be approved and processed by IET.

Equipment is available for pick up at the Service Center in New Main L105, Saint Paul Campus.

Minnesota State's video conferencing solution is available at Metropolitan State University.

Request Academic Technology Services (ATS) staff to upload quiz questions with Respondus, then post within a D2L Brightspace class.

Report a technology issue and get assistance.

Get answers and information on your technology related question.