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Services or Offerings?
Request creation of an Email distribution group.

Request membership changes to static, custom distribution groups.

A shared mailbox allows a group of people to share a single Metropolitan State University email account.

Report technology related information security incidents for our Information Security team to review.

Request a list of students with contact information.

Request design services for things like custom promotional items, invitations, posters, flyers, etc.

Request an article to be shared or written and posted to News@Metro on the university website.

Approved branded promotional items are available for purchase through a third party vendor.

Ability to report a non-emergency repair request for Building Services or ask a question to Campus Operation, no Metrostate login (starid and password) required.

Report a technology issue and get assistance.

Learn more about your StarID unique username or activate/reset your StarID password.

Request a post on Metro State’s primary social media platforms (Ex: university events, announcements, news, and program promotion).

Request an upcoming event to be posted to the Events calendar on the university website.

Site owners, such as course instructors, can use this service to have someone added to or removed from their site in D2L, or to have someone’s enrollment changed. This is separate from registration and does not affect ISRS status in a course.