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Services or Offerings?
Request to change the banner image on your D2L course homepage.

Create a blank course site in D2L Brightspace for development, training or organizations.

We can work with you to support the use of educational technology and sound pedagogical principles to design in person, online and hybrid courses.

Allows content to be copied from one semester to another or from one course-shell to another.

Site owners, such as course instructors, can use this service to have someone added to or removed from their site in D2L, or to have someone’s enrollment changed. This is separate from registration and does not affect ISRS status in a course.

Request eLumen access or role set up in eLumen learning assessment tool.

Convert Word document content to HTML file type, built in an accessible manner.

Request changes to information in learning outcome assessment tool (eLumen).

Request an announcement for placement on the Metropolitan State University D2L main home page.

Service eligibility: requests must be submitted on behalf of a member of President's Executive Cabinet who is in support of the Organizational Department change being requested.

Request consultation for designing accessible documents.

Request to schedule a video or podcasting session in our Dayton’s Bluff recording studio.

Ability to request access and assistance with existing procedures within RightNow for Academic Success Workshop, new student orientation, mailings, training and more.

Request Academic Technology Services (ATS) staff to upload quiz questions with Respondus, then post within a D2L Brightspace class.

Request to reserve a space for an event hosted jointly by an internal department/organization and an external party.