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Services or Offerings?
Ability to report a non-emergency repair request for Campus Operation ask a question, no Metrostate login (Starid and password) required.

Request ID card access to spaces that use an electronic door locks, access to parking ramp and other student-related services.

Request approval to install pictures or shelves in a staff office.

Submit a request for a space on campus to be cleaned.

Request access to a space on campus that requires key entry.

Request a light source be removed or installed to a space on one of the Metropolitan State University campuses.

Request a meeting space reservation on the Saint Paul, Midway, Minneapolis and Brooklyn Park campuses.
If your meeting will require a setup you will need to fill out an Internal Event Space Reservation Request.

Request state-owned office furniture and/or filing cabinets be moved.

Request patching and painting of an office space on the Saint Paul or Midway campus.

Request trash or recycling removal from a waste or recycling bin located on one of the Metro State campuses.

If a university space is too hot or too cold, request a temperature adjustment.

Includes ability to report an Non Emergency Repair Request because something is broken that does not require immediate attention.

NOTE: Do not use this site to submit emergency requests, please dial (651) 793-1700

Internal Metro State University departments or organizations can request to reserve an event space hosted completely by the internal department or organization.

Request to appeal your parking citation.

Request to reserve a space for an event hosted jointly by an internal department/organization and an external party.