Search18 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request state-owned office furniture and/or filing cabinets be moved.

Request IET Services to move and setup computers, printers, peripherals, phone, and other technology equipment to another location.

Request patching and painting of an office space on the Saint Paul or Midway campus.

Request approval to install pictures or shelves in a staff office.

Request access to the CAP server using Microsoft Office Access database to run reports.

Request trash or recycling removal from a waste or recycling bin located on one of the Metro State campuses.

Request a change to information on Metropolitan State University's public website.

If a university space is too hot or too cold, request a temperature adjustment.

Allows content to be copied from one semester to another or from one course-shell to another.

Request and collaborate with Institutional Effectiveness and Technology (IET) to research and evaluate new potential technology solutions, contracts and grant proposals which include the use of technology. This includes hardware, software, web services, and any cloud hosted solutions to support teaching and learning, productivity or innovation.

Request a news or media release on campus-related news-worthy events be developed and distributed.

Request new software applications to be purchased or upgrades to existing applications. All new software purchases or renewals of existing software, university wide, require contracts and must be approved and processed by IET.

IET Services will retrieve asset and university owned equipment upon request.

Submit a request for a space on campus to be cleaned.

Request access to a space on campus that requires key entry.