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Services or Offerings?
Request access to the CAP server using Microsoft Office Access database to run reports.

Request ID card access to spaces that use an electronic door locks, access to parking ramp and other student-related services.

Request a new shared drive folder, access to an existing shared drive folder, or removal of access to an existing shared drive folder.

Request eLumen access or role set up in eLumen learning assessment tool.

Request Qualtrics access for employees, students and student workers.

Request access to a space on campus that requires key entry.

Ability to request access and assistance with existing procedures within RightNow for Academic Success Workshop, new student orientation, mailings, training and more.

Ability for Department Deans to submit request to change building hours.

Site owners, such as course instructors, can use this service to have someone added to or removed from their site in D2L, or to have someone’s enrollment changed. This is separate from registration and does not affect ISRS status in a course.

Report technology related information security incidents for our Information Security team to review.

A shared mailbox allows a group of people to share a single Metropolitan State University email account.

Request a meeting space reservation on the Saint Paul, Midway, Minneapolis and Brooklyn Park campuses.
If your meeting will require a setup you will need to fill out an Internal Event Space Reservation Request.

Request an in-person demonstration or training on the technology in any of our rooms.

Request a jack be activated in order to connect your computer to the internet via Ethernet cable.

Request Slate CRM assistance for: account/profile creation, locked and password resets, communication campaign forms and configurations, and training.