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Services or Offerings?
Request ID card access to spaces that use an electronic door locks, access to parking ramp and other student-related services.

Request changes to information in learning outcome assessment tool (eLumen).

Request eLumen access or role set up in eLumen learning assessment tool.

Request to schedule a training on how to record, edit, and publish media.

Use this request if you need assistance to add or edit faculty profiles on or if you are requesting on behalf of someone else.

Get answers and information on your technology related question.

All new employees will register for parking enrollment. Existing employees will use this form to request changes to their current parking declaration.

This service is only available to faculty. Ability to request an account to use the Turnitin® internet-based plagiarism-prevention service tool.

Request new software applications to be purchased or upgrades to existing applications. All new software purchases or renewals of existing software, university wide, require contracts and must be approved and processed by IET.

Request computer lab and classroom software installation for academic use. Please Note: Annual academic software request submission deadlines: Summer and Fall terms - Due March 15th; Spring term - Due October 15th.

Allows content to be copied from one semester to another or from one course-shell to another.

Conference phones enable clear audio conferencing in larger rooms and unique spaces that require customized voice solutions.

Request an in-person demonstration or training on the technology in any of our rooms.

Request to schedule a video or podcasting session in our Dayton’s Bluff recording studio.

Reserve an event space on the Saint Paul Campus to host a non-Metropolitan State University affiliated event.