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Step-by-step instructions on how to edit your faculty profile on
Zoom can easily be set up for recurring meetings. You can leverage Zoom to set up your classroom times or recurring meetings.
MoveIT Securely is a service provided by Minnesota State which allows you to securely send large files to personnel that do not have access to University shared drives, such as vendors, partners or other Minnesota State institutions.
How to check the status of an existing ticket from our Client portal.
FACULTY: Create an Assignment folder inside D2L Brightspace for student submission of assignments.
The system office of Minnesota State provides faculty and professional advisors access to information about their advisees without needing to looking them up individually in Uniface. These standard reports find students for a given advisor, all students and their advisors or students without advisors.
FACULTY: Discussions are no longer tabular in setup but have moved to a familiar accordion layout. This article speaks to the layout.
Namecoach, located within D2L Brightspace, is a tool available to faculty and students to share the pronunciation of their name, as well as find pronunciation of others.
Auto Generated captions in MediaSpace can be edited to increase the accuracy.
Information about My Advisees Dashboard, an academic advisors tool available to faculty or staff that have advisees (per ISRS), accessed in My.Metro.
Configuration setup instructions to connect to eduroam network using a Google Pixel device.
FACULTY: D2L Brightspace allows you to reach your entire class or individual students via email through the Classlist tool.
Information about Student Lookup Utility, an academic advisors and related staff tool available to members of the Academic Advising group, accessed in My.Metro.
FACULTY: LinkedIn Learning provides great courses and specific videos that can work well to supplement learning in the classroom, as well as prepare our graduates to be successful in the job market with courses that can help with technical skills and soft skills. Metro State has an easy process whereby instructors can integrate LinkedIn Learning into their D2L Brightspace course.
How to access Bookings + Setting up a calendar using Metro State standards