Search12 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request and collaborate with Institutional Effectiveness and Technology (IET) to research and evaluate new potential technology solutions, contracts and grant proposals which include the use of technology. This includes hardware, software, web services, and any cloud hosted solutions to support teaching and learning, productivity or innovation.

Request a change to information on Metropolitan State University's public website.

If after reviewing the Accounts Payable Knowledge Based Articles and you still have questions or concerns use this service to Get Help/Ask Accounts Payable.

Request changes to information in learning outcome assessment tool (eLumen).

Equipment is available for pick up at the Service Center in New Main L105, Saint Paul Campus.

Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning requires video to be captioned and have an available transcript.

Request design services for things like custom promotional items, invitations, posters, flyers, etc.

A shared mailbox allows a group of people to share a single Metropolitan State University email account.

Request eLumen access or role set up in eLumen learning assessment tool.

Reserve equipment for events in the Great Hall, Founders Hall Auditorium, Founders Hall Reception Area or Ecolab.

Request to schedule a training on how to record, edit, and publish media.

Request Qualtrics access for employees, students and student workers.