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View instructions on how to access local computer files, as well as USB files when using Virtual Computer Lab.
How to recover a deleted file from the shared drive and or a previous version.
View instructions on how to save files in the Virtual Computer Lab.
FACULTY: This article is for faculty who want to know how to confirm a file attachment to an assignment folder in D2L Brightspace
FACULTY: use the built in accessibility checker to make sure HTML files/web pages in D2L are accessible.
MoveIT Securely is a service provided by Minnesota State which allows you to securely send large files to personnel that do not have access to University shared drives, such as vendors, partners or other Minnesota State institutions.
STUDENTS: Step by step instructions on how to submit files into assignments in D2L and review feedback
Namecoach, located within D2L Brightspace, is a tool available to faculty and students to share the pronunciation of their name, as well as find pronunciation of others.
Student email accounts close after a period of time following graduation or end of enrollment. Before the accounts are closed, emails can be saved to a personal account using these instructions.
FACULTY: Create an Assignment folder inside D2L Brightspace for student submission of assignments.
Web print instructions. Submit a print job via a Web browser
FACULTY: improve the accessibility of HTML/web page content in D2L Brightspace, using this guidance to fix errors identified by Ally.
Students can access content in a way that suits their needs best, whether it is an html page (responsive for mobile), epub, and/or mp3 (audio) or, for more direct accessibility support, a tagged pdf and/or electronic braille format.
What is "essential for some is good for all." (Meyer, A., Rose, D. H., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal Design for Learning: theory and practice. Wakefield, MA: Cast Professional Publishing)
Blackboard Ally has a Course Accessibility Report available to faculty. The report is helpful to point out accessibility issues within documents that could be improved on from an accessibility perspective. Ally will give the explanation and steps on of how to fix the issue.