Search11 Results

Services or Offerings?
Report technology related information security incidents for our Information Security team to review.

Request and collaborate with Institutional Effectiveness and Technology (IET) to research and evaluate new potential technology solutions, contracts and grant proposals which include the use of technology. This includes hardware, software, web services, and any cloud hosted solutions to support teaching and learning, productivity or innovation.

Request to update your parking registration with new vehicle and/or license plate information or other.

Request access to the CAP server using Microsoft Office Access database to run reports.

Request data for grant applications, grant reporting or other grant related needs.

Request a list of students with contact information.

Request new software applications to be purchased or upgrades to existing applications. All new software purchases or renewals of existing software, university wide, require contracts and must be approved and processed by IET.

Request a meeting with an IER staff person to discuss data needs

Request Slate CRM assistance for: account/profile creation, locked and password resets, communication campaign forms and configurations, and training.

Request computer lab and classroom software installation for academic use. Please Note: Annual academic software request submission deadlines: Summer and Fall terms - Due March 15th; Spring term - Due October 15th.