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FACULTY: use the built in accessibility checker to make sure HTML files/web pages in D2L are accessible.
Anthology Ally helps instructors create more accessible course materials by identifying potential issues and providing steps to remediation.
FACULTY: improve the accessibility of HTML/web page content in D2L Brightspace, using this guidance to fix errors identified by Ally.
Students can access content in a way that suits their needs best, whether it is an html page (responsive for mobile), epub, and/or mp3 (audio) or, for more direct accessibility support, a tagged pdf and/or electronic braille format.
What is "essential for some is good for all." (Meyer, A., Rose, D. H., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal Design for Learning: theory and practice. Wakefield, MA: Cast Professional Publishing)
How to use automatic live transcription in Zoom
Learn more about document design and building accessible documents.
FACULTY: Order your own captions for your MediaSpace videos with this simple workflow.
Auto Generated captions in MediaSpace can be edited to increase the accuracy.
See how to information on viewing and using closed captions and the full transcript in Zoom meetings
Closed captioning resources for MediaSpace, Zoom web conferencing, Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint, and VoiceThread within D2L BrightSpace.
Anyone can create accessible content in Microsoft Word using several built in tools.
Center for Accessibility Resources