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Review information on how to apply ticket statuses in TeamDynamix.
FACULTY: This article explains how to apply a quiz timing accommodation once for a student and have it apply to all quizzes in a course.
View the course evaluation questions.
Guidelines for the headshots and biographies that appear on faculty profiles on
Step-by-step instructions on how to edit your faculty profile on
Step by Step instructions on locating the Host name on your Cisco IP phone display.
FACULTY: Create an Assignment submission folder in D2L Brightspace utilizing the Turnitin integration. This may help reduce plagiarism and increase academic writing skills of students. This article addresses the Turnitin integration setup necessary for faculty to use Turnitin in their D2L Brightspace course.
Students can access content in a way that suits their needs best, whether it is an html page (responsive for mobile), epub, and/or mp3 (audio) or, for more direct accessibility support, a tagged pdf and/or electronic braille format.
What is "essential for some is good for all." (Meyer, A., Rose, D. H., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal Design for Learning: theory and practice. Wakefield, MA: Cast Professional Publishing)
STUDENTS: This article will cover how to navigate to a quiz and explain the user interface a student would see when you take a quiz.
View instructions on how to access, set up and use Cisco Jabber and E911. Cisco Jabber requires a business need and approval is made by pandemic team.
View instructions on how to access local computer files, as well as USB files when using Virtual Computer Lab.
View photos of layouts for Office configurations, furniture finishes and more.