Cisco IP Phone: Changing Your Voicemail PIN

General Information: 


  • How do I change my Voicemail PIN?

NOTE: For information security reasons, you can only access this site from a university provided network connection (wired, wireless or VPN).


  1. From an university provided Wi-Fi or wired network connection, access the Cisco Unity Voicemail Web Inbox
  2. Login using your StarID and password
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Click on Passwords
  5. Click on Change PIN - you are not required to enter an existing PIN to change it there, take appropriate measures to keep your passwords secure for the Cisco PCA and your external service accounts.
  6. Enter in your desired PIN (see About PINS:)
  7. Re-enter in your desired PIN
  8. Click Save, the server will respond with, "Your password was successfully changed."


About PINS:

  • PIN cannot contain letters (must be digits/numbers).
  • PIN cannot contain your primary extension or its reverse.
  • PIN must contain at least three different digits.
  • Digits cannot all be consecutive, in ascending or descending order (for example, 12345 or 54321).
  • Digit cannot be used more than two times consecutively (for example, 14777).
  • PIN cannot contain repeated groups of three or more digits (for example, 408510408).
  • PIN cannot be a numeric representation of your first or last name, or the combination of your first and last names. (For example, if your name is John Doe, you could not use a numeric representation of johnd, johndoe, jdoe, doe.)


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Article ID: 66667
Mon 11/5/18 1:58 PM
Wed 9/4/19 2:52 PM

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