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Learn about the Minnesota State provided web meeting software, Zoom.
View information on Zoom Rooms, starting and recording your meeting, sharing your screen, sharing documents through chat, breakout rooms and polling. .
ALL: Share your videos stored in Kaltura MediaSpace either link them or use the D2L Brightspace integration so that others may view them.
Information on support hours, contact information and resources.
Web print instructions. Submit a print job via a Web browser
When opening the Technology Services Chat, an application will open that automatically connects you to a technician with IT at Metropolitan State University. This application allows you to chat with the technician and grant the technician access to view your live screen to get a better understanding of the situation.
View how to access network folders.
How to install O365 on a personal mobile device (smart phones and tablets).
Step by step instructions for connecting to VPN on your Mac OS work laptop.
There are many ways to connect to a Zoom meeting. Pick one that works for your technology and location.
Zoom can easily be set up for recurring meetings. You can leverage Zoom to set up your classroom times or recurring meetings.
For the best user experience, Microsoft Outlook mobile application is recommended for accessing your university email account.