Request eLumen Access and Roles (add/remove)


  • eLumen runs in a web browser (chrome recommended) and is the only application provided to the university on capturing and maintaining student learning outcomes and assessments
  • Provost, Deans, Faculty, and Staff may request access to eLumen for their department and departmental needs
  • Role(s) in eLumen:
  • Faculty: have access to individual course sections that they teach with the ability to select planned assessments, create own assessments, and enter assessment data either via a rubric, a scorecard or importing, and view graphical representations of their results. They can also respond to requests for information.
  • Department Coordinator: manages the assessment process for department/program/course/context, including setting up and defining program-level learning outcomes and assessments to courses, and generating appropriate reports. For details view, eLumen: What are Department Coordinators?
  • Course Evaluator: have ability to import scores (via import, rubric or scorecard) for specific sections of a course within a program/department and view graphical representation of their results.


  • Provides overall ability to users on accessing, mapping, scoring, tracking, and maintaining assessments on course level objectives and program learning outcomes.


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Learn who eLumen Department Coordinators are and what they do
Brief introduction to getting started with eLumen
D2L Course designed to assist faculty and staff with a shared internal central location of eLumen information
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Purpose information for eLumen at Metropolitan State University including a link to access tool.


Service ID: 43303
Mon 4/27/20 4:06 PM
Mon 1/24/22 2:59 PM