eLumen: Add an Evaluator to a Course Section


Evaluators are added to course sections when someone other than the instructor will be entering student scores.


How To


  • How do I add someone as an evaluator in eLumen? 


  1. Log into eLumen (metrostatetest.elumenapp.com)
    • Note: Data Stewards are the only roles with the capability to add an evaluator, all other roles will need to submit a service request. 
  2. Click on the department.
    Select a department
  3. Click on Org Management. The Organization tab opens.
    The Organization menu is on the Org Maintenance Tab
  4. Select the Course Group.
    Select the course group
  5. Click the box next to the course section, then Edit.
    Edit the course section
  6. Click on Assign Evaluators.
    Click on Assign Evaluators
  7. Type in the first name of the evaluator or scroll down to the evaluator in User Available.
    Type in first name of evaluator
  8. Click on the name of the evaluator.
    Click on evaluator's name
  9. When the evaluator is selected, their name appears in User Selected. Click Close.
    Evaluator name appears in User Selected section
  10. Save the changes.
    Save changes
  11. After changes are saved, the display of courses automatically returns to the first course in the course group.
    After saving, the first course in the course group is at the top of the display for the course group.
  12. The evaluator is now associated with the course section. Evaluators appear in alphabetic order by last name.
    The change is visible in the course section.
  13. Repeat for every requested course. When done, make the same changes in the eLumen production environment (metrostate.elumenapp.com).



Article ID: 94862
Mon 12/23/19 10:22 AM
Tue 12/3/24 1:12 PM

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