Parking for up to one hour
Parking for one - two hours
Parking for more than two hours per day
The daily parking rate is good for all locations without access controls for any one day. In other words, an employee could use one of the days of parking (purchased through the parking declaration form) to park at LECJEC in Brooklyn Park and then also park at the Midway location on the same day for the one fee.
Please note that if parking on the St. Paul Dayton’s Bluff campus or at Minneapolis College, the parker will need to pay that separate entry (Minneapolis College) or exit (St. Paul campus) fee. If a parker pays the daily rate at either Minneapolis College or St. Paul Dayton’s Bluff, that will satisfy the daily parking fee at the non-access-controlled locations for that day as well.
If parking at a location without access controls, such as Midway, a parker using a daily rate instance may make multiple entries and exits on that one daily parking instance.
At this time, we are not planning to issue hang tags. This option is being made available for employee convenience on an honor system basis. We are trusting our university employees to use student and tax-payer provided resources appropriately, and to comply voluntarily with university policy. Not issuing hang tags reduces the administrative burden and allows the university to make this option available without additional cost and employee inconvenience.
Yes, an employee who is also a student must complete a parking declaration and pay for parking as an employee. If you are also a student, you may ask for your student parking fees to be waived.
If you declare that you will not park in university-provided parking facilities or you declare only parking intermittently, you will not be able to park during your working hours. In that case, you would still be responsible to pay for the student parking fees and you could only use your student parking privileges while conducting student activities (while at class, meeting with advisor, etc.) at the university.
For additional questions about parking costs and options, please contact or (651) 793-1731.