Workday Budget vs. Actual Reports-Getting started

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Video: Getting started with Workday Budget vs Actual reports (27 minutes) 

Video shows a live walk through of the info in this KB article + the ISRS Cost center to Workday mapping article.  Content similar to what is covered in the sessions for Workday Cost Center Managers and Finance Analysts on Budget vs Actual reports.



The two Workday reports closest to what was used in ISRS for cost center financials are:

  • RPT00097 – Budget vs Actuals by Cost Center with Encumbrances
  • RPT00290 – Budget vs Actuals by Program 

The instructions below share how to save shortcuts and set filters at the University level.

Only those with the proper security roles in Workday may view these reports.

Over time we expect to have the ability to provide more refined access to only the cost centers you are associated with.  

Access to Workday financial reports 

The Workday roles associated with viewing budget vs. actual reports are: 

  • COST CENTER MANAGER - approx. 25 Metro State employees have this role
    • Workday allows only ONE Cost Center Manager per Cost Center; Typically it will be a VP or Director

  • FINANCE ANALYST  - approx. 135 Metro State employees have this view only role.   

Create Shortcuts to reports 

Log into Workday 

Select Menu, then select Shortcuts and + Add Shortcuts 

Workday>Menu>Shortcuts>+Add Shortcuts

In the Add Shortcuts search bar, type “RPT00097” and select the + next to “RPT000097 – Budget vs Actuals by Cost Center…

Add shortcut for rpt00097

In the Add Shortcuts search, type “RPT00290” and select the + next to “RPT00290 – Budget vs Actuals by Program” 

Add shortcut to rpt000290

You now should have the two reports saved in your Shortcuts Menu for future use. 

Workday Shortcuts menu showing RPT00290 and RPT000097 saved

Set Saved Filters for commonly used Reports 

Enter and save Workday report filters to minimize prompt re-entry on frequently used reports. 

RPT00097 - Budget vs Actuals by Cost Center with Encumbrances 

Budget vs Actuals report that you may run by Cost Center or program, project or grant.  Report shows Budget, YTD Actuals, pre-encumbrances and encumbrances

It will group information first by cost center, then fund, then program, project or grant, then ledger/spend categories.

**Until we get confirmation from System Officeof what is in the 'Last Year' columns, please do not rely on them.  We do not believe FY24 activity will be loaded to Workday.  These fields will be more helpful when we can compare FY26 to FY25.** 

TIP: Gain familiarity with your Workday program(s) cost center(s) before running reports (see ISRS Cost Center mapping into Workday article for more details)

Budget vs actual report filters - see article text for details on how to populate fields.

Company:  Type "Metro" and enter

Organization: Based on your needs, search on your Workday Cost Center or program, grant or project.

  • If you do not know those numbers you may search by text that is in the descriptions, i.e.
    • For cost center, type METS CC" and words from your cc description  -- i.e. METS CC College
    • For program or grant, type your ISRS cost center number (it's in the description as an aid for transition)
  • We do not recommend using cost center hierarchies yet.

Budget Structure: type "parent" and enter

  • Per System Office documentation, Parent level is used for reporting, Child level is used for entry of budgets

Budget Name: leave blank

Period: Select Fiscal Period > FY25 > FY-25 June; this will show year to date results

Within the gray box, type a name for your filter and save it.

You may save multiple filters if desired (i.e. if you monitor multiple programs or cost centers).

Once you have populated filters or selected a saved filter, select OK to run report

Next time you come into Workday you can use the report shortcut and the saved filter (from the drop down) to run a report

RPT00290 – Budget vs Actuals by Program 

Budget vs Actuals report that you may run by Cost Center or program, project or grant.  Report shows Budget, YTD Actuals, pre-encumbrances and encumbrances

It will group information first by program, project or grant, then ledger/spend categories.  May be most useful is fund information is not needed.

Use the same filters as shown above for RPT00097 and save filter(s) for future use.

Once you have populated filters or selected a saved filter, select OK to run report

Next time you come into Workday you can use the report shortcut and the saved filter (from the drop down) to run a report

Expand, Collapse and Drill down capability

Expand and Collapse

Workday Budget vs Actuals by Cost Center report example expanded tothe level of Cost Center > Fund > Program > Ledger > Spend Category


  • fringe ACTUAL expense and encumbrances are recorded at the program and cost center level  
  • fringe BUDGET (32% of salary expense) resides centrally with Financial Management
  • Workday is not able to match the two up like ISRS did with BAT tables.  FM is reviewing how to report / handle the matching of fringe expense to budget.

Similar mismatch exists for salary budget/actuals in the colleges with budget in the Deans program/cc and actuals in the academic program's Workday program. This budget will allocated to lower levels in early Sept.

We will keep cost center managers apprised as we determine the way forward.


Drill down

Blue text indicates that an item is clickable for drill down.

Usually best to click on numbers for transaction detail.  It is less useful to click on words (cost center names, etc.)

blue text = may drill down; black text = may not drill down


Once you've clicked into an Actual YTD number, you will see the transaction detail within.

Worktags column seems to be most useful (contains supplier name, etc.)

Use the filter icon on top to narrow down results if desired.

Screenshot of Workday transaction detail


Changing Report filters

Once you've run a report, you may change the filter using the Change Selection icon found next to the report name (three vertical bars with squares on it)

The "Change Selection" icon next to the report name, allows you to reset filters and rerun


Select the x to clear a filter and then search for the desired filter (if if you wish to save it, for future use, give it a name and Save Filter)

Select the x to clear a filter and then search for the desired filter

Related System Office Resources

Report Crosswalk Custom and Delivered Reports.xls

Security Role Details:  Cost Center Manager + Finance Analyst

Cost Center Manager Security Roles slide.  Primary manager for assigned cost centers and can grant access to cost center spend analytics.  Has approval authority for financial business processes using assigned cost centers.  No training courses necessary outside of general WD training for all employees.Finance Analyst Security role:  Can view financial set up and opearational data for my institution.  I have no approval authorty and need no training outside of general Workday training for all employees.

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Article ID: 143657
Thu 7/25/24 3:06 PM
Thu 9/5/24 10:59 AM

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