Event Set-Up: New Main Great Hall


View the Daily Standard and Max Seating set-up plans for events in New Main Great Hall.


General Information

New Main Great Hall Specifications: 

  • Maximum Seating: 150
  • University Furniture Available For Use:
    *The space will not accommodate all furniture in use at the same time.
    4 serpentine tables
    6 hi-top tables
    10 6' rectangle tables
    10 8' rectangle tables
    12 60" round tables
    6 round tables
    banquet chairs
    2 room dividers
  • Plants and soft furniture (including 6 chairs and 3 small tables) must remain in this space, but can be moved to accommodate set up. 

New Main Great Hall Set Up Options: 



Article ID: 49810
Wed 3/7/18 5:07 PM
Thu 6/30/22 10:10 AM

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