Electric Vehicle Charging


  • Metro State University has three EV charging parking spaces located on the first floor of the parking ramp along the interior wall by the bicycle racks. You will need to provide your own charging cable, only the power outlet is supplied by Metro State.
  • The cost of charging your vehicle is $3.00 for the day. Payment is made at the pay station located on the first floor of the parking ramp tower. Once payment is made a receipt will be printed for you to put on your dashboard as proof of payment.
  • Please make sure the receipt is in plain sight to avoid being issued a citation. You can only use an EV parking space if you are charging your vehicle and have paid for charging your vehicle.

Steps on how to use the Pay Station 

  1. On the screen under “PRODUCT SELECTION” press the button located below the header. This will bring up a selection menu for “Lost Ticket” or “Electric Charging”.
  2. Use the silver button located under the header “NEXT” to select and highlight “Electric Charging”.
  3. Press the silver button under the “Confirm” header to proceed.
  4. The next screen will display the cost. Pay by credit card or cash. Once payment is made a receipt will be issued.
  5. Place the receipt, in plain sight, on the dashboard of your vehicle as proof of payment.