Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies Planning and Procedure

General Information


  • What is smudging?

  • What is the university procedure for participating in a smudging and/or pipe ceremony?


Smudging is a ceremony practiced by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas, that involves the burning of sacred herbs, in some cases for spiritual cleansing or blessing. While the particulars of the ceremonies, and the herbs used can vary widely between tribes and nations, many use forms of sage (ex., common sage or white sage) and cedar that is local to their region. Not all Native American and First Nations cultures that burn herbs for ceremony call what they do, "smudging." While using scent and scented smoke (such as incense) in religious and spiritual rites is an element common to many different cultures worldwide, the details and spiritual meanings are usually unique to the specific cultures in question.


Metropolitan State University is committed to diversity, inclusion, and creating an open and respectful campus climate for all. The University recognizes tobacco, sage, sweet grass and cedar as traditional American Indian medicines and essential elements of purification and sacred ceremony.

Students, faculty, staff, elders and cultural teachers-all of whom are members of an American Indian tribe-are free to use tobacco, sage, sweet grass and cedar to conduct individual or group traditional practices including but not limited to opening/closing prayers, individual or group smudging, feasts, pipe ceremonies, pow wows, and drumming/singing. This procedure is meant to provide direction to the university community in engaging in these traditions while respecting everyone on campus.


Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies University Procedure # 118





Article ID: 47969
Wed 2/7/18 10:48 AM
Thu 6/30/22 9:14 AM