For awareness
- Project worktags in Workday (facilities projects) are managed out of and integrate with eBuilder
- Project worktag descriptions are prefixed with METRO (not METS) - we are in the process of adding the ISRS cc to the description for ease in look-up.
- eBuilder looks at project funding as life to date; Workday looks by fiscal year
- In Fy25 FM had to load budget amendments in Workday in order to make carryforward funds available
- Generally, can think about facilities projects being more similar to a grant in that they typically get their funding for the project and it may span multiple fiscal years.
Recommended reports
Below were recommended by Rosa Melin and Doug Harvey (SO NextGen team - ticket 178693 Dec 2024) - they indicate that projects that start new in Workday will have better visibility than those that had to go through the go live conversion.
Workday Reports
NOTE: WD budget vs actual reports do not show capital assets.
- RPT00097 - Budget vs Actuals by Cost Center with Encumbrances
- Period: (enter desired period)
- Budget Structures: Annual Operating Parent - NEW
- Organization: (enter desired project - all are prefixed with "METRO")
- Company: CU00076 Metropolitan State University
- RPT00098 - Budget vs Actuals by Fund with Encumbrances
- Metro State projects were initially aligned with incorrect funds in Fy25 - clean up may be in progress. As a result, be cautious about running a report for just one fund; may be better to run for a specific project worktag on all funds
- As of Dec/Jan 2024 we are reconciling ebuilder to Workday and trying to gain understanding of difference in how we see retainage and budget carryforward
eBuilder Reports
- Funding Balance (AC0575CP) shows:
- Total funds
- Committed
- Spent to Date
- Balance of Encumbered Funds
- Unencumbered Balance
- Funding Source Unspent Balance
For those that have access, SWIFT may also be a helpful source for projects that are in transition for the move to Workday.