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Services or Offerings?
Request IET Services to move and setup computers, printers, peripherals, phone, and other technology equipment to another location.

Requests images from the Metropolitan State University photography archives.

All new employees will register for parking enrollment. Existing employees will use this form to request changes to their current parking declaration.

Request to update your parking registration with new vehicle and/or license plate information or other.

Request new desk phone, reassign an existing desk phone or request configuration changes to your desk phone.

Ability to submit Space Request, provide project details, attach any drawings and/or other supporting documentation.

IET Services will retrieve asset and university owned equipment upon request.

Request an announcement for placement on the Metropolitan State University D2L main home page.

Minnesota State's video conferencing solution is available at Metropolitan State University.

Request state-owned office furniture and/or filing cabinets be moved.

Request an upcoming event to be posted to the Events calendar on the university website.