Remote Proctoring: How to take an exam with Respondus Monitor


This article provides a link to step-by-step instructions for taking a remotely proctored exam using Respondus Monitor in D2L Brightspace.


Article Type: How To


  • How does a student take a quiz in D2L Brightspace that requires Respondus Monitor?


What is Respondus Monitor?

Respondus Monitor allows students to take exams online instead of having to go to campus. It uses the student's webcam and microphone to record testing sessions for later review by instructors. It may also monitor and flag other things for instructors to note such as if the student leaves the camera view or the interent connection becomes poor. Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) must be installed before taking a test that uses Monitor. LDB should be installed or updated directly from a link within a quiz in D2L Brightspace. LDB is then launched when one starts the quiz in D2L Brightspace, opening a special browser that prevents use of other applications. If Monitor is turned on, there is a brief pre-test routine to check the student's webcam. One might also be prompted to do other things such as show a photo ID or use the webcam to scan the desk and test environment.

Don't wait until a test is due to use Respondus for the first time. Instructors typically offer a practice test early in the semester during which students install LDB and test their webcam and microphone, or you can self-enroll and take a practice test any time. It is your opportunity to download and install the software and make sure it works.

Learn more about it from this brief video:

Respondus Monitor introduction (video)

How to install LockDown Browser

  • Respondus LockDown Browser will not work on computers running Linux distributions, phones or tablets with the exception of iPads. If you plan to take a class that uses LDB and Monitor for remote proctoring, you will need to use a Mac or Windows PC, a Chromebook that is not managed by a school or organization, or, if the instructor enables it, an iPad. Learn more about system requirements. 
  • Install it from the link inside your quiz in D2L. Do not go to the Respondus website to download it. You can even download it from a quiz that hasn't started yet by selecting the quiz name. The download button will show up on the summary page:

image indicates one should select the "Download and install" button on the quiz summary page

How to take a test using LockDown Browser and Monitor

  • Respondus provides a concise quick-start guide for students with step-by-step instructions for taking a test with LockDown Browser (LDB) and Monitor:

           Respondus Monitor Quick Start Guide

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Article ID: 67124
Mon 11/12/18 5:33 PM
Tue 7/23/24 3:41 PM