Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Descriptive Summary


Hints for optimizing web content for online search engines.


How To


  • What is Search Engine Optimization?

  • How do I appropriately use keywords to increase my web page or article's likelihood of appearing in a web search?


  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a tool used to increase a web page's likelihood of appearing in a web search. When writing keywords with SEO in mind, you are essentially trying to predict what others might plug into a search engine to find an article. 


  • When writing an article for Metropolitan State's website, always use the following keywords:
    • Metropolitan State University
    • Metropolitan State
  • Include appropriate keywords relating to the author(s), participant(s), location(s), etc.
    *Keywords will vary depending on the content of each specific article. 

Additional Information:

  • Descriptive Summary
    A descriptive summary for articles is what a reader uses to determine whether or not to visit a web page. Summaries appear on web searches under article titles and should provide a brief description (usually 2-3 sentences) of the article.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
    Browser Bar Title: Re-enter the page title (headline).
    Meta Description: Re-enter the short/two-line description
    Keywords: Enter words from the event that could be picked-up in an Internet browser "search". Always include Metropolitan State University and Metropolitan State.



Article ID: 49772
Wed 3/7/18 2:32 PM
Thu 3/30/23 10:39 AM