Personal property and/or service charges may be used to meet the full cost of services and
materials provided to students in classes utilizing Metropolitan State University facilities and
services, or students participating in Continuing Education programs, per definitions in Part 5
of Minnesota State Procedure 5.11.1 Tuition and Fees, in support of Minnesota State
Board Policy 5.11.Tuition and Fees.
Fees must be reviewed and approved each term before being entered in ISRS. Approved
requests must be received by Accounts Receivable at least 2 weeks before the course
schedule is published.
The form can be found here: Personal Property/Service Charge Request Form
Requestors will need to complete all required fields:
- College
- Department
- Department Chair/Program Director
- Semester
For the course information, requestors will need to add each course ID on a separate row and include:
- Course ID
- Course Number
- ISRS Cost Center Number
- Fee Type (Flat or per credit hour)
- Fee amount
- Fee Description
Requestors MUST upload documentation supporting the fee and amount to be charged. If documentation is missing, the request will be returned.
All requests must be authorized by:
Request $250 or more must also be authorized by the President.
Once the requestor submits the requests, a notification will be routed via email notification for authorization. The emails will be sent from “METRO-eforms”. The subject line will be along the lines of “Task assignment: Dean/Provost Review for Personal Property/Service Charge Request, FM25-0048”. There will be an embedded link to the form in BP Logix for the authorized to approve/send back.
Requestors will be notified if the form is sent back by any of the authorizers with an explanation.
Once all authorizations have been approved, the request will be forward to the Accounts Receivable Office to be entered into ISRS. Once complete, the requestor will receive a final email with a PDF of the completed form, any supporting documentation provided, and a spreadsheet with all of the course fees listed.
Requestors are expected to review the spreadsheet to ensure accuracy of:
- Course ID
- ISRS Cost Center Number
- Fee Type (Flat or per credit hour)
- Fee amount
- Fee Description
If there are any errors, please contact Accounts Receivable Supervisor, Heather Tedder, immediately.