my.metro: Early Alert Reporting


Instructions for faculty: How to submit Early Alert reporting


  • The Early Alert system allows faculty to identify students having difficulty in class.
  • Reporting is designed to be a proactive and collaborative early intervention program to assist students who show signs of issues early in the term that may negatively affect their successful completion of a course.
  • An Early Alert is intended for use with academic issues only; it is not intended to report student conduct issues. For conduct related issues, please submit a Code of Conduct Incident Reporting Form.
  • Instructors access Early Alert reporting from my.metro. Early Alert reporting is available throughout the entire semester.
  • Early Alert application updates starting summer 2021: Early Alert will no longer display withdrawn students. Early Alerts will be sent from the instructor who is sending the Early Alert, rather than primary instructor.

Instructions: Early Alert Reporting

  • 1)  Browse to my.metrostate. Use login and password.
  • 2)  Once logged in you will be presented with the Employee Dashboard.
    • 1)  Under Apps and Courses located in the left navigation
    • 2)  Select My Courses
    • 3)  Click on the tab for the applicable semester-year
    • 4)  Click the Early Alert link from the applicable course

  • 3)  Your class list will display showing all students enrolled in your class.
    • Review your selection details at the top to ensure you have selected the accurate course/term selections as you intended.
    • Click the Record New Early Alert button next to the listed student you would like to record an Early Alert.

  • 4)  Complete the alert form:
    • 1)  Review alert selection details reflected at top are accurate and selections are as you intended.
    • 2)  Under Criteria, select all respective concerns.
    • 3)  Make selection for Estimated Grade.
    • 4)  Optional Comments: Faculty are encouraged to write a brief comment about your concern(s). The student and advisor will be able to view this information, which help to determine next steps.
    • 5)  When you have completed the form click Record Early/Alert <student name> button
    • 6)  Be sure to complete an Early Alert for each student you would like to record notification.
    • 7)  When complete - you can simply return to your Employee Dashboard to exit.

  • 5)  You can view a student's Early Alert History from the class list page. See Step 3 above.

  • Early Alert notifications go to student, advisor, and faculty sending the alert.
  • If you have questions or need assistance with Early Alert please contact Bobbie Anderson at or by phone at 651-793-1931.

First Week Alerts:

  • A First Week Alert reminds a student that class attendance and preparation are important for success. During the first week, students should review their semester schedule, time commitments, and course choices to determine feasibility of success. The alert also notifies the advisor to contact the student to assist them in deciding whether or not to change their registration before the Drop/Add Deadline. Exact course drop dates are found in the E-services course description.
  • Early Alert Criteria:
    • To indicate no attendance - select Excessive absences.
    • To indicate the student does not have prerequisites completed - select Inadequate background in subject (e.g. prerequisite coursework).
    • To indicate inappropriate writing skills for the course - select Insufficient Underdeveloped writing skills.

Alerts throughout the Semester:

  • Early Alert reporting is available from my.metro throughout the entire semester, so you can submit an Early Alert at any time during the semester.



Article ID: 131772
Thu 4/22/21 11:31 AM
Wed 7/12/23 10:22 AM

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