Ticket Statuses in TeamDynamix

How To: Applying Ticket Statuses in TeamDynamix

Actions > Update
The Service Desk is responsible to triage new tickets for Technology Services. New tickets should be saved in the ‘Open’ status (assigned to a team) before starting work on the ticket.
Assigned to a team/group, ex. Web and Media Services, Communications or Safety and Security
A ticket stays in Open status while it is waiting in a team’s queue to be assigned to an individual.
In Process
Assigned to an individual, ex. Rich Oswald, Matthew Spillum or LeRoy Olson
When a ticket that is in a team’s queue is assigned to an individual, the person assigned to the ticket should set the status to ‘In Process.’ 
On Hold
Assigned to an individual or a group
When you send a response to the customer and are waiting for a response set the status to ‘On Hold’ and set the date and time the ticket should go off hold two business days into the future.  You may also use 'On Hold' status where you are waiting on something outside of your control to be able to move forward with the work requested in the ticket (ex: waiting for parts that were ordered, waiting for a scheduled date and time in the future). Goes Off Hold should be determined by the communication needs of the ticket - which is dictated by the ticket's priority.
Assigned to an individual or a group
When work has been completed on the ticket, the person who most recently worked the ticket should mark the ticket’s status as ‘Resolved’, update the ticket with a summary of work completed, and communicate to the customer using the proper email template.  Resolved status gives the opportunity for the customer to validate the work is complete to their satisfaction. IF you have personally validated that the work is completed to the customer’s satisfaction, please note that in the ticket and mark the ticket as “Closed”.
Assigned to an individual or a group
After a customer has been notified and ticket has been ‘Resolved’ for two or more business days, the ticket’s status can be updated by the Service Desk to ‘Closed.'  Closed status means the customer has had the opportunity to verify the work has been completed and there hasn't been a response or they respond and validate completion.  Only the Service Desk staff will mark tickets as 'Closed' and use the email template to notify the customer they are doing so.
Cancelled Assigned to an individual or a group This status is used for spam or other tickets created that are not requests to complete work.  This status is also used when a customer cancels a ticket from the Client Portal because they no longer need the service.
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Article ID: 45825
Fri 1/5/18 10:39 AM
Thu 10/12/23 9:35 AM